Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Just when I thought I was out...

They pull me back in!

So much for taking time off of filmmaking. I am deep into preproduction on yet another short film; don't ask me how it happened. Okay, go ahead and ask.

I've been spottily (yes, I said "spottily") attending the two different screenwriting groups here in town and have been getting more actively involved in the writer's world. One of our regular movie night attendees has recently written a short film script and approached me about filming it. After reading the script and previsualizing the film, I'm in. It should be a lot of fun to shoot so the writing can wait, right?

So the short film is as of yet untitled, but will be based on a short story by Sahra Harding entitled "Mannequin Lover" and Luis Jimenez loosely adapted it into a short film script. It has some extremely colorful characters and some very over the top circumstances that should translate very well to the short film medium. I'm very much looking forward to getting to work on it.

As you can probably guess from the short story title, there may be some mannequins involved in the film. Given this, Luis and I went out mannequin hunting today and came across a veritable goldmine. Oh yeah, it was one of the creepiest experiences I've ever had in probably the creepiest place I've ever been (and I have the photos to prove it) but ultimately it was worth the initial horror of the place to discover a treasure trove of young ladies.

And speaking of pulling people back in, we got FORMER filmmaker Jason Levering to offer his filmmaking talents as well. It will be fun working with Jason again. More on casting and crew over the next few weeks.


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