Blue Man Group – awe and wonder
The Omaha Film Festival attends the Blue Man Group, live in concert in Omaha. That’s right Jeremy, Jason and I just got back from one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen/heard. If you’ve seen them, you know what I’m talking about. If you haven’t, it’s a must. Oh, did I mention that we were in the second row, right in the middle? It’s one thing to be that close to a concert or show, but to be literally ten feet away from the spectacle that is BMG is really something to behold. And given their proclivity to pulling people from the audience and otherwise getting the crowd involved, I attempted to not maintain eye contact on the several times when they looked directly at me from the stage. The girl directly in front of me got pulled up after they all came down and went through her purse looking for a credit card. A gal four seats over went up at the end to read from a book introducing the band. And a guy 7 seats over had the camera-down-the-throat treatment (you’d have to see the show to understand – nasty).
Oh, did I also mention going back stage and hanging out with the Blue Men afterward? Yeah, they’re just a creepy in person. I got their “autograph.” And a picture. And I might have nightmares tonight.
What a trip. I’m ready to go again right now. Thanks Jeremy. Merry Christmas.