Sunday, January 07, 2007

“Off Broadway” – principal photography day 5

Day five, Saturday. Which means I don’t have to be at work at 6:00am and work all day, then get to the set in mid-afternoon. That’s the good news. The bad news is crew call is 8:00am and I wasn’t home until 1:00am last night and we’re filming in Lincoln (an hour away). And I had the dolly in my truck so I couldn’t sleep in and be late. So I’m on set at 8:30 (sorry Matt) and it’s like two degrees out and it’s an outside shoot. And we ended up not needing the dolly for several hours. No problem.

So the first half of the day was in a chilly park in Lincoln not far from the main theatre set. After setting up the first shot, the first actor arrived and we were able to get through all of his scenes in fine fashion. This was the first time I’d seen this actor and once again it was a fantastic casting choice by the production team. He had all of the looks and mannerisms needed for the role. Later in the morning, the other four main actors arrived and we got to see the scenes that were performed in the theatre performed out in the “real world.” After around noon when the sun had been out for a while and the wind stopped blowing, it started to get more comfortable, so we finished the out door shots and moved inside. Sounds about right.

One of the highlights of the evening shots back in the theatre were the “garbage men.” When you see the finished film, you will know what I’m talking about. The evening wrapped at around 7:30, but we stayed up until after midnight reviewing the footage and the shot list and the production crew developed their plan for the upcoming shots.

Afterward I had two choices. Drive back to Omaha only to arrive back in Lincoln by 8:00am, or sleep on Matt’s concrete floor with only one small blanket. Neither of which were good choices, but I went with the floor. I assume I will pay for that on Monday.


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