Monday, December 04, 2006

Omaha Film Festival – shorts programs

Today was the day when the OFF shorts judges met to decide who was in and who was out. After reviewing literally hundreds of short films over the last six months, it all culminated into today’s 8 hour meeting. Just like last year, the top ten films and the bottom ten films were pretty easy to determine and pretty easily agreed upon by all judges. The films between were what took most of the eight hours.

It’s a fun and arduous task with the ultimate goal of giving festival attendees the highest quality films to watch, and based on the entries that we’ve chosen, we definitely have a group of films that we’ll be proud to show.

The features and documentary meetings are coming up soon. Be sure to keep checking out our website in the upcoming weeks and months for acceptance announcements. This is going to be a good year.

Omaha Film Festival


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