Friday, March 31, 2006

"Wisdom" and "Hero Alley" updates

KPP is continuing preproduction for its upcoming short film "Wisdom". We are in the process of assembling the cast and crew. There have been some interesting developments on both fronts within the last few days so keep your fingers crossed and check back for updates.

In other news, KPP is working with Echo Factory Productions on their first short film entitled "Hero Alley". The first full rehearsal with the entire cast was tonight and it went extremely well. Chris at Echo Factory should be very happy with the cast we've assembled. They are gelling nicely and it should be a fun project. We also did our first walk through at our location with Bob and Lou of Extreme Films and it sets up nicely for the shots we'll need. Chris and I will story board this weekend and make plans for the shoot. We will be shooting on April 15th starting at 3:30am so I should start building up sleep now.

Monday, March 20, 2006


Welcome to King Penguin Productions, an independent film company in Omaha, NE.

KPP is in preproduction on a short film written by Pete Myhr to be filmed here in Omaha. Casting and crew are currently being assembled. Check back for updates.
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