Saturday, May 17, 2008

Angel Food – day 1

After going to bed after 2:00am, the last thing you want to do is get up at 5:30am on a Saturday, but such is the life of a filmmaker with insomnia. So I’m working on a new project which will end up being a couple of industrials for Angel Food Ministries. It’s a great organization and has seen tremendous growth nationally so It’s great to be involved in their new media outreach.

The pieces we’ll be making will be informational and training videos so today I arrived at Trinity Church, the Omaha “drop center” and filmed the whole process of the semi arriving, the food being unloaded and broken down, then assembled in the gym for distribution. After everything was set up, the doors were open and people from the community came in with their coolers, boxes, laundry baskets, etc. to pick up the food that they had ordered. After being there for over 4 hours, I could tell that it is extremely well run and that the impact on the community is a very positive one so I’m excited to be a part of it.

More to come as more happens.


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